Tuesday, November 3, 2015

Top 4 Memory/System Scanner

Sometimes we all get confused and asking for suggestions to others to upgrade your computer or PC to which RAM size should I buy and which one is compatible with my computer?. Here is the solution for this.

Check out this tool available and just try downloading any one of them:

Mr Memory Computer Scanner

Mr Memory Computer Scanner is a quick scanner helps you to identify the manufacturer, model and current memory that is installed. You have to download the tool and run on your system. This tool also gives you upgrade options as the recommendations, which is compatible with your system. You can buy the products online by adding them to the cart and checkout them.  This facility is available only in US. You can search in google to find Driveonline shopping websites.

Crucial Technology

Crucial Technology is similar to the Mr Memory Computer Scanner is a quick scanner which does the same thing, gives you suggestions for upgrade options and shopping cart is available in UK
and US.


4allmemory.com is not good as when compared to the Mr Memory Computer Scanner and Crucial Technology. I would not recommend using the 4allmemory.

Run the Memory/System Scanner to know your computer specifications and buy accordingly you can also buy the products from the online shopping websites like the Amazon, Snapdeal
