Friday, October 21, 2016

Top 10 Common Errors in English

English has lot of words out of which few words are pronounced alike and few has similar meaning but, used in different scenarios. Many of us are using those words in wrong sentence and wrong places, here are the Top 10 examples which i felt worth of sharing here.

Raise vs Rise
Raise and Rise both mean the same(something which is moving up) but the key difference is Rise don't need an action to be taken by any other object. 
Example: The sun rises in the morning.
Raise needs an action to be taken by another object
Example: My company has raised my salary.

Bear vs Bare
The most common mistake while writing an email is: Please bear with us. Bear mean to carry (something) on one's person from one place to another. 
Example: Please bear with us.
Bare is means a body part which is not covered, i.e., naked. 
Example: The actor was bare from the waist up

Quite vs Quiet
The most common mistake english leaner does is: Quiet expensive or Quite expensive.
Quite means that to a large extent; completely; absolutely
Example: The jewellery with diamonds is quite expensive
Quiet means silent or keeping calm. 
Example: Everybody in the classroom, please keep quiet.

Lay vs Lie
The simple way to remember the difference between the Lay and Lie is Lay requires a direct object and Lie does not require any object.

Lay means putting down gently or carefully. 
Example: The Hen lays egg / Sofa is laid with sofa covers
Lie mean resting on the horizontal or supporting surface.
Example: Jack always wants to lie on floor. / No time to lay down and take rest.

Back vs Ago
Back means which is something is behind of an object.
incorrect usage: “2 years back” I went to school
Correct Usage: “2 years ago” I went to school

Affect vs Effect:
Affect is used as verb, if you are getting influenced then that is affect.
Example: We can affect others with the words that passes from our lips.
Effect is used as noun, it is the result or the change that happened due to the influence.
Example: Lack of proper sleep will result in numerous side effects.

Pore vs Pour:
Pore if used as a noun, it is a small opening on the surface of the skin through which sweat comes out. When pore is used a verb it means, to study carefully and attentively.
Example: For finding address he is poring over a map like never before.
Pour(verb) its a steady and continuous flow of the liquid into container or glass or place.
Example: Pour a cup of coffee.

Fewer vs Less:
Fewer means a small number, it is used along with countable and plural nouns.
Example: We had fewer listeners in seminar than we had expected.
Less means small quantity, it is used along with uncountable and nouns which does not have plurals, such as air, money.
Example: He completed cooking in less than 10 minutes. 

Dairy vs Diary:
Dairy is the place where milk products are processed from buffalo milk or cow milk. Few dairy products extracted from milk are butter, cheese and etc,.
Example: Dairy products need to be consumed on daily basis for getting calcium.
Diary is a record where you can maintain your own day to day activities in your life.
Example: Writing a personal diary makes you strong and can understanding your weak points.

Annual vs Annul:
Annual, any special day or an event or summit occurring once a year and every year.
Example: I am a part of Annual day celebration in my college.
Annul, announcing officially that it is no more valid (declaring Invalid)
Example: Semester exams are annulled by the University.

If you have any other top common english words, please share them through your comments.